
Synthetic arena Generator

Your complete solution for high-level constructive simulation and analysis

SAG is a constructive simulation platform focused on user needs, developed with academia.

SAG immerses command post staff and managers of organizations in large¬scale conflicts, stabilization operations, terrorist threats or natural disasters, providing a broader and more complete training solution that ultimately improves their decision¬making capabilities.

Simulating diverse situations in highly realistic environments

ai simulation- Your complete solution for high-level constructive simulation and analysis

Simulating diverse situations in highly realistic environments

SAG simulates an extremely diverse range of situations in highly realistic environments and lets trainees lead thousands of autonomous entities on the virtual field.

This constructive and virtual simulation system is based on military drills and doctrine, physical behavior models and operations research models to create a realistic combat situation picture that integrates all elements of combat land, air and sea from a single combat element to the general headquarters.


The system has 3 major modules

ai simulation- Your complete solution for high-level constructive simulation and analysis

Planning module

Enables a Decision Support System (DSS). Commanders and their staff can analyze operational plans to support the decision- making process.

ai simulation- Your complete solution for high-level constructive simulation and analysis

Training module

Trains commanders on their operational command and control systems, without needing to use real forces: Training all levels from HQ to tactical commanders.

ai simulation- Your complete solution for high-level constructive simulation and analysis

Multilateral War Gaming & Research module

Enables learning and raises competence levels.

Advanced simulation platform

High level of realism:

SAG can represent high-fidelity entities immersed in highly realistic joint-forces scenarios, through the use of detailed physical models and advanced interoperability features.

Automated entities:

Entities in SAG are intelligent and autonomous. They can receive operational orders and execute them without additional input from the operators, while adapting their behavior accordingly as the situation evolves.

Adapted to your doctrine:

Everything in SAG can be customized to match the specificity of any doctrine: from vehicle speeds, medical system performance and sensor accuracy, through unit composition, logistics systems, to unit behaviors and missions.

SAG Platform Architecture

SAG is designed to allow various uses – from a single laptop computer for research up to a cluster server for full war-fighting training environment